Thursday, December 13, 2007

Enjoying the winter wonderland!

Hey all you friends and family who check out our blog spot. Todd told me I needed to write a blog, since it is from the two of us..... So here goes. As you can all see, much has happened over the past few months for our family. I still can' t believe all the events that have taken place. So here is what I have been up to as well. I have been home-schooling Ashley, mainly. She is in 2nd grade and doing well at this point. Reading has been challenging, not for her but for me in the teaching category. I do belive the Lord is trying to teach me instead of her. I am struggling to remain in control of my patience. We are managing though. Isaac is working very hard at preschool books and I will be advancing him into some Kindergarten stuff soon.
I have tried hard to continue with exercise with the kids, so as it be, we have an awesome, amazing mountain for a sledding hill, well until Ashley and I almost died trying to ride it..... Yes I did say die. I of course wanted to go "faster", well never again. We flew over a massive mound of snow (approx 4 ft high) and then about 20 feet away from that. I landed on my tailbone, and Ashley couldn't move.... It was horrible, and I haven't been able to sit for over a week and some tell me it will be another 2 weeks. So the moral of the story for us is slow ain't so bad. I mean, isn't. I am a homeschooler you know, I don't want my reader's to think I'm raising a bunch of "he-haw's up here in the Northland".

Is the deer Dumb or is she our friend?

Well, for the last two days, we've had a new friend out here in the northwoods. Yes, a deer. She has gotten within five feet of our front door and let me tell you I can't believe how brave she is. She just stands there and looks at us. Its almost like she's wondering if we''re going to come out and "pet" her. Don't worry, we haven't (yet)! Anwyays, its been pretty cool for the kids to see. If you have any interest in checking out "buddy" (thats what the kids named her) click on the video link.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Anesthesia School comes to an end

Hey Everyone-
Well, we finally finished anesthesia school. We drove five hours (from Duluth to Chanhassen) this past Saturday in a horrible snow storm to make graduation just in the "nick of time." Emily actually drove the whole trip and I just sat back and relaxed. Just kidding, if I would have drove she probably would have "lost her cookies" several times along the way (and then we wouldn't have made it on time). Praise the Lord we made it. It was a little dangerous at times. Graduation was a nice time, a time to celebrate this long journey and close the last page of the book in this phase in our life. We feel so blessed to have made it through this challenging time and are looking forward to moving on. We headed back to Duluth that same night and made it as far as Hinckley. The roads were so bad and we decided to stay in a hotel. The next day we drove to Duluth and when we arrived at our house we couldn't get in our driveway. There was an estimated 14 inches of snow in which the minivan would have only got stuck, So......we had to walk up our 300 ft driveway in 14 inches of snow. See the pics on the side that demonstrate how bad it was. Anyways, one of our new neighbors, Lud, came to the rescue. He plowed us out and now the minivan can make it up the driveway. Not to worry, we purchased a four wheel drive truck this past week so that at least I can make it to work on time. Only three more weeks and one more hurdle before I can refer to myself as a "certified" registered nurse anesthetist. My certification exam will be on the 21st and what a relief it will be to have that exam over with